Ooooooooo-pus is the first international survey exhibition of the multidisciplinary artist Katalin Ladik (b. 1942, Novi Sad), produced in cooperation with Haus der Kunst in Munich and Moderna Museet in Stockholm. The exhibition provides a comprehensive overview of Ladik's work from the late 1960s to the present, spanning from conceptual experiments with text, voice, body and language, to collaged visual scores, photography and video. Drawing on her career-spanning interest in language and corporeality, folklore and mythology, Ladik questions conventional gender roles, using her body and voice as both instrument and medium.
Curated by Fanny Hauser (Ludwig Forum Aachen) and Hendrik Folkerts (Moderna Museet, Stockholm). The exhibition Katalin Ladik. Ooooooooo-pus is co-organized by Haus der Kunst München, Ludwig Forum Aachen and Moderna Museet, Stockholm.
A monograph published by Skira Editore, Milan, accompanies the exhibition. The publication comprises contributions by Pierre Bal-Blanc, Diedrich Diederichsen, Hendrik Folkerts, Irena Haiduk, Fanny Hauser, Ana Janevski, Emese Kürti, Katalin Ladik, Quinn Latimer, Bhavisha Panchia, Dieter Roelstraete, Gloria Sutton, Sarah Johanna Theurer, Paolo Thorsen-Nagel, and Mónica de la Torre as well as a director’s foreword by Eva Birkenstock, Grażyna Kulczyk, Andrea Lissoni and Gitte Ørskou. The publication is co-produced by Haus der Kunst München, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Ludwig Forum Aachen, and Muzeum Susch, with support from acb gallery, Budapest and Kontakt Collection, Vienna.