Sarah Entwistle: What was I aiming for? In my next life to be a great singer, and the life after to be a writer, and so on and so on…

13 Jan 2024 — 24 Feb 2024

Exhibition view: Sarah Entwistle, What was I aiming for? In my next life to be a great singer and the life after to be a writer and so on and so on… , Galerie Barbara Thumm 2024, Courtesy Galerie Barbara Thumm, Photo: Jens Ziehe
Exhibition view: Sarah Entwistle, What was I aiming for? In my next life to be a great singer and the life after to be a writer and so on and so on… , Galerie Barbara Thumm 2024, Courtesy Galerie Barbara Thumm, Photo: Jens Ziehe